Wednesday, August 15, 2012

IR Campaign I'm working on - general ideas - Open Content

General ideas, no mini design yet.

---> design the minis youself
- --> Give text + design to players (or give ideas about mini & design)
---> convert lots!
---> invent units
----> make proxies

- Use old rules for barbarians

- the matrix - films
- Gnome overlord, +1 INT, the Irridescent Rose herself which is Slaanesh (or not (!))
name -> orki : "Supa Mek Binki the Small Stunti - Ork friend"
    -> human : "Elovy - Pirate Queen"
    -> dwarvish/gnomish : "Elovyan - Ork friend"
----> Not the IRose herself and not affiliated with worshippers of the Chaos Gods, reigning her orks with few wars in between. She has a decent army of orks
to fight her battles for knowledge, general orki business and artefacts scooped
in Gnomish palantirs with few renegade space dwarfs and dwarf engineers equipped
 in all sorts of dwarf-orky homebrewed machines. Leaving her society warlike on
the outside she has accepted most ork ways of life and dwarfs being interested
in science and warfare as the orks are happy to live on her homeplanet.

-----> The planet is inhabitated by thieves, gobbo escapees, barbarian cavalry
and a society of amazon-sisters of battle. She talks as a visionary with a
voice of friendship among her people and leaves the rest of the planet to their
own business. Nobody on the planet in their right mind would attack a base of
thousands of ork and dwarf warriors lead by a wizard lordess, with dwarven
machinery (read: cannons) and ork ferocity at her command.

!!! - dwarven material in or out of the matrix!

story : few know she's a female gnome, is a potent psyker and engineer
and is said to have lived forever. She has 2 ork planets under
her command and searches for knowledge in nearby starsystems.
She is not warlike and leads her people in a good fashions
although she knows most of her orks live to wage war upon
her ennemies, which she has, especially X
More and more dwarfs flock to her banner as they are ork friends
of old and are happy to live with them under such a fine ruler.
Thus dwarf engineers and Ork Meks build fine war machines to defend her territory.

Gnome female names :

1: Elellyra
2: Elovyan
3: Alwra
4: Laecla
5: Elwna
6: Ysulla
7: Nungwen
8: Dwlla
9: Elara
10: Clicla

-----> Sisters of Battle fight against the Emperor
-----> home planet of Slaaneshis

- orks as in matrix films (know or know not), enslaved by the Rose's minions, mutations and daemonic, vampiric, Lahmian sisterhood, mc.'d
- Tyranids extra - chaosified, slaaneshi
- beasts ! slaanesh beast masters, spawn units (3D6 Move)
- Gargoyle brood Tyranids -> furies-succubi (Van Helsing)
- Slaanesh hellship photo, kleuren voor zeilen op chaos space kruiser
- apocalypse books
- cities of death book
- planetstrike book
- battlemissions book
- dark eldar -> slaanesh
- gnomes love clockwork -> chaos soul grinder, chaos defiler
- Blood Angels scenarios - Timo
- animosity rules for matrix

- orks of the irridescent rose (naam van mensen, orki : "Supa Mek Binki" - sometimes known as 'Pinky') -> big mek
- Binki's 1st lieutentant :
name : "Big Mek Bongo"
- one of Binki's cabal of psykers :
rules : ork super bizarboy on wyvern

- ork inside space hulk battle
- savage orks
ideas : arrer boyz -> rambo bow with bomb-arrows
Assault 1, blast (BS2)
rules : devastating charge (+2 ipv. +1 A), infiltrate (Rambos), D4 of D6 of D3 wounds
WS4 BS2 S3 T4 I2 A2 Ld7 Invuln. Save 6+,
Big 'Uns
WS5 BS2 S4 T4 I2 A2 Ld7 Invuln. Save 6+

- collossal squig
- gorkamorka
- starsigns
- Keapon Laffin' - gnome
- scanning with radio (hearing maptiles), delivering parts of messages, slight hints
- ork A.I.s (dwarf engineers help)
- pyramid temple(-cities) built by aliens on Binki's planet - Slann/amazon/Diggoes/...

- barbarians on Binki's planet lead guerrila warfare against any tresspasser and
go to sell their belongins in Binki's main Fortress-City, where the
the scrap sold by the rogues gets a good price in the bazaars of the city. This
leads to the fact that all expeditions out of the city are heavily guarded, so
the rogues do not sell things twice...
As expeditions go out of the planet from ork spacestations, some underground,
the warlike nature of her orks is sated.
- It is this who makes her the target of the oncoming recon fleets
(read: player armies) She can attack the fleet itself if it has been scanned
by her dwarven weapon-smiths and scientists.

- Digganobs chariots and warmachines (skaven screaming bell, hacked high elf chariot, self-made chariot, in my closet)
- dwarf handgunners
- gorkamorka machines
- Elovyan - dwarf conversion , queen helga mini
- barbarians - peepeep shooter guerilla of Star Wars which sold R4 (R2-D2)
- barbarian cavalry - chaos marauder cavalry + mutations
- chaos lord on manticore - barbarian leader
- lots of big beasties & mutants (Diggoes!)

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